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Saints & Scholars Integrated Primary School, Armagh


2023/2024 School Year

11th Dec 2023
The children have been enjoying lots of Christmas crafts in P2 as well as decorating...
6th Dec 2023
P2Mac enjoyed creating puppets to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs ?
6th Dec 2023
P7's enjoyed a fun morning learning all about life in secondary school and carrying...
3rd Dec 2023
P1MT were so excited when 2 Police Officers came to visit our class as part of our...
30th Nov 2023
Look at the wonderful art created by the children in P1! 
30th Nov 2023
We really enjoyed having a go at the Japanese art of hapa zome which involves pounding...
30th Nov 2023
As part of our topic ‘Helping Hands’ we have been learning about the...